5 Strategies to Navigate the Holidays with Prediabetes

Holidays are a time spent with family and friends enjoying delicious traditional dishes, but for those recently diagnosed with prediabetes, approaching the holidays this year requires a plan. 

Prediabetes is a warning sign of type 2 diabetes and requires lifestyle changes to help prevent it.  With a plan in mind, you can celebrate the holidays with family and friends while managing your blood sugar. Below are some tips you can follow to succeed in this holiday season: 

  1. Plan Out Your Plate

Before picking up a plate and loading it up, let’s scope out your options. This will allow you to know what is being offered and get strategic about which foods you will eat. When plating your meal, be sure to stick to portion sizes. If the food you choose has added sugar or is highly processed, limit the portion size even further since they can cause your blood glucose (sugar) to rise. Fill your plate with healthier foods first such as whole fruit, whole grains, green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans. These foods should be prioritized since they don’t usually cause your blood sugar to spike.  If you are unsure of what foods are right for you simply open the Nutu App to check it out. With our traffic lights you will be able to compare foods to know which one is the best for you.  

  1. Practice Mindful Eating Over Mindless Eating

Mindful eating means paying attention to what goes on your plate, how quickly you are eating it, and what quantities you are consuming.  

It is important to eat balanced meals spaced throughout the day instead of snacking continuously and mindlessly throughout the day. If you do find yourself craving a snack in between meals, avoid high carb, highly processed foods such as sweet treats and chips. Instead, opt for healthy choices like whole fruits, nuts, or hummus and veggies. These are better choices because they offer a nutritious balance of protein, carbs, and fiber.  

It can be easy to get caught up in the festive environment of a holiday party where everyone is chatting and munching at the same time. Instead of grazing from the food display multiple times, plan to fill your plate only once. Then try to find a place to sit down to eat, focus your mind on the foods you are eating, and take enjoyment in the foods you have chosen to nourish your body with. Be sure to stop eating before you feel full, and you will not have to struggle with guilt and regret after the party is over. 

  1. Think About Your Drink 

Drinks can be a main source of hidden calories and added sugars, adding little nutritional value to your diet. For example, a regular 12-ounce cola contains around 140 calories and 40 grams of added sugars. Instead, try a festive drink with no sugar or some fruits to give it some flavor. Try sticking to water and avoid sugary beverages or alcohol since they usually cause your blood glucose to spike.   

  1. Move After Your Meal 

After a meal, do not just sit on the couch; instead, get up and get moving. You do not have to do it alone! Invite your family members or friends to join which will make it more fun. If they are not interested, then walk your dog. Walking right after you eat helps your body to absorb the glucose properly and avoid storing it as fat. Not moving for a long time can cause your blood sugar to spike, so it is important to keep your body moving to keep blood glucose levels stable and manageable. Being active after a meal is also a wonderful way to help you digest food better and reduce stress 

  1. Prioritize Self Care

Holidays can feel a bit stressful because of all the planning that may go into it, so it is important to prioritize your self-care. Being stressed can contribute to an increase in your blood glucose levels. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, take care of yourself in the days leading up to the holidays by eating your meals on time, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and exercising daily to keep your blood glucose levels managed.  

The Bottom Line 

There are steps that can be taken to help you have a fun and healthier holiday season. Our Nutu App is here to help you do just that. With our wide range of features and benefits like food logging, activity tracking, and more, we can ensure you can stay on track with your health goals.   Although holidays may seem daunting at first, with the correct steps taken, you can celebrate them as you traditionally would with family and friends. If you follow your plan, you will stay on track with your health goals this season.  







About the Author DAWN MENNING, MS, RD, CDCES
Dawn Menning is the Program Director for Digital Health at Willow Laboratories. Menning is a certified diabetes care and education specialist and a registered dietitian who works with adults with chronic disease, prediabetes, and diabetes. She has a passion for helping people overcome challenges to live their best lives. In her free time she enjoys running, spending time with her family and dog, and traveling to explore new places.